Yoga Psychology – Part 2

Continued from Part 1

We now look at the 2 other biological system:  Hormonal system and Defence System

Hormone Systems: Endocrine glands

Pineal gland is the master gland that influences the pituitary gland to secrete hormones. Many scientists named pituitary gland as the master gland because it is related to many functions of the body: growth (children to teenagers), development of ovaries and testes, kidney, mammary glands, adrenal gland.

Thyroid and parathyroid gland: the level of secretion gives rise to the different characteristic of a person

Level of secretion Optimum Under Over
Characteristics Self-relianceRational Lethargic Irrational QuarrelsomeVain Depress RestlessHyperactive

Thyroid gland is related to metabolism, hyperthyroid means over secretion, hypothyroid means under secretion

Asanas have been developed to regulate the function of gland eg. Hare posture. Hare PosePressure on pituitary gland, massage the brain, activate the pituitary to send messages to other glands.

Adrenal glands secrete adrenaline which give the “fight or flight” response, to keep us alert and active. If adrenal gland over secrete it may be taxing for hear and whole system.

Pancreas, both a gland and an organ, facilitate digestion and metabolism. It releases insulin: a hormone to convert glucose to help absorption into blood. Liver releases glucose as and when needed. Disorder of pancreas or liver would lead to medical condition: diabetes as there is over supply of glucose not converted.


Hormones by the Adrenal gland and within the brain



Balanced hormone secretion depends on the cakra.

What is Cakra?

A cakra is a collection of glands and sub-glands. The controlling point or nucleus of the cakra is situated in the spine where the Ida, Pingula and Sushumna intersect. Prana, life force, flows through the pranic current called nadiis. Where the 3 nadiis intersects a special vibration is created.   This vibration vibrates the area around the cakra, and specifically the glands.

Food, air and sunlight is converted into physical energy. The cakra convert physical energy into psychic energy, and psychic energy into spiritual energy. Therefore the role of cakra is highly important for spiritual development.

Cakra and vrittisThe 50 main propensities of the human mind are expressed internally or externally through the vibration expression of these cakras. These vibrations cause hormones to be secreted from the glands and the natural or unnatural expression of the propensities depends on the degree of normal or abnormal secretion of the hormones.

When these propensities can be expressed we say that the human mind is alive because the mind exists as long as the propensities are there. When the propensities are destroyed however, the human mind loses it existence, it may have gone into Samadhi, or is unconscious, died or in coma.

Cakra with corresponding glands

Sahasara Cakra Pineal gland
Ajina Cakra Pituitary gland
Vishuddha Cakra Thyroid and Parathyroid gland
Anahatha Charka Thymus gland
Manipura Cakra Pancreas and adrenal gland
Svadhisthana Cakra Testes and Ovaries
Muladhara Cakra Base of spine

The Lympathic System: Importance of Lymph

Lymph is what we call white blood cells and is an important part of the immune system.

Functions of Lymph:

  • It is the raw material for the “factories” – their gland for their hormones.
  • It brings out waste materials and alien bodies.
  • It is the nourishment for the nerves
  • Surplus Lymph goes to the brain is food for the nerve cells in the cranium

The body needs quality lymph which is dependent on the food. Sentient food is found very beneficial to the quality of lymph and green leaves (chlorophyll) specially good.

Static food and excessive animal protein activate the sex glands and the lymph is directed towards the sex glands and the intellect is less developed.

Environment affects the quality of lymph. The environment affects the mind which affect the whole body and the quality of the lymph.

Negative environment include pornography and red light districts, busy commercial places and negative thinking. The vibration of these places affects the lymphatic system.

Tantra yoga practice encourage the conservation and utilisation of lymph for higher mental development, through meditation as opposed to using it only in instinctual pleasures. The energy available from the store of lymph is converted into psychic and spiritual development rather than physical activity.

Chart on cakra and vrittis : Toby Kurk






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